So I could have had the best idea ever, or potentially have just made the worst decision. Today I took a bold step into uncharted territory. I sent some of my song lyrics to one of my class mates on my writing course, who just happens to be an amazingly talented musician in search of a lyricist to collaborate with. Sounds perfect right? You’re probably wondering how this could ever even remotely be considered a bad decision. I mean the chance to actually have music to my lyrics (aside from the out of tune singing I attempt when I’m writing them) is a fantastic opportunity. There’s just one teeny tiny snag… we work together. No one at work knows about my lyric writing. A few know about my stories but absolutely no one knows about my lyrics and I’d kind of envisaged it staying that way. I trust that he will keep my secret to himself, especially as he’s not exactly advertising his own musical aspirations in the office, though having heard his creations I really don’t know why n...