When Elaina kindly invited me to be her guest, I thought for a long time what to say. In the end I decide to focus on ORGANISATION . The thing an author most lacks is time. Look at some of the things an author has to do: 1) Before starting the novel, there’ll almost certainly be the need for research, which may be ongoing. Even contemporary novels usually need some research, although less than for an historical novel. 2) Actually write the novel. 3) Ideally, the ‘finished’ novel should be edited by the author before being sent to a critiquer/agent/publisher. 4) Marketing. If the world doesn’t know your novel’s out there, how will they find it? It doesn’t matter how big the author is (talking in terms of being well-known, not size!), almost everyone has to help with publicising their novel. This is ongoing and time-consuming, and may have to be done when one’s trying to write the next novel. 5) Real life. Families and friends expect a look in, too. With good organisation, you’ll m...