The theatre however was much more refined and dignified. Which, to be honest, was half of the appeal for them and I. It seemed such a grown up thing to do sitting on those posh red velour seats, before a huge stage with elaborate sets and costumes. The stories came to life in a way that watching a film on TV never did. It was like being part of something special.
My childhood was filled with shows like; Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Annie get your gun and the Buddy Holly Story (ok that one was Dad's choice). And then I grew up. I went to college, and University and the theatre was forgotten.

Last week I went to see Billy Elliot at the Birmingham Hippodrome. Utterly brilliant. The sets and costumes were incredible, the cast was fabulous and the choreography amazing. The dancing clothes still make me smile whenever I think of them.
Next week I'm taking my parents to see Dreamboats and Petticoats. I figured it was about time I let Dad choose one again...
The trouble is every time I leave the theatre, still chattering and laughing about the show I've just seen, beneath the excitement is a wistful daydream. If only I'd carried on with my dance lessons...
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