The Grown-Up Gap Year - The Plan
I told myself, when I took my career break, that I would
blog each week to chart my experiences. Well, it didn't exactly happen. As in, not
at all. But, one of the things this break has taught me is that it's never too
late. So here goes…
It all began in summer 2018 when Katie Fforde contacted me to
tell me she had selected me as a recipient of the Katie Fforde Bursary for 2019.
I was stunned, honoured and unbelievably excited. I can’t even begin to
describe the magnitude and mixture of emotions that I felt reading her email.
There were a lot of tears, combined with lots of jumping up and down while squealing.
Yep, all at the same time. Which paused only for periodic re-reading of the
email, just to make sure I hadn’t miss read it, because after all, it’s Katie
Fforde and she couldn’t possibly have picked me, could she?
Well, apparently she did. And in February this year I was
awarded with a trophy to prove it. Though, I have to admit, even now I can
still hardly believe it was real.
So, that was the moment that lead to my career break. Work
had been getting more and more intense and I was getting more and more
exhausted. I’d long been dreaming of taking some time out and Katie’s email was
the motivation I needed to inspire me to do it.
It felt like Katie was telling me to have faith in my dream
of being a published writer. And who am I to disagree with Katie Fforde?
Admittedly, she possibly didn’t intend
me to leave my job and move to the end of the country… But her faith in me, and
that of my amazing writing tutor and friend Alison May, were the catalysts I
needed to give me courage to do something I would otherwise only have dreamed
of. And for that I will always be grateful.
The plan for my break was simple. Spend a few months living
by the coast, where I could focus on my writing. And then, after that I intended
to head off on an adventure and travel around the world (or at least a portion
of it).
Step 1 - Rent an apartment by the sea:
I had a whirlwind week-long tour of (some) the British coast
and settled (or more accurately was wowed by) an apartment in Bournemouth. It
ticked all the boxes; sea, sand, and good rail links back to visit family and
friends (plus encourage them to visit me so I didn’t become a recluse in my new
temporary hideaway where I didn’t know anyone).
Step 2 - Finish the book:

Like many writers, I suffer from a huge problem of having more
ideas than time! And sparkly new ideas always seem so tempting…
Step 3 - Go travelling:
And that's where the plan failed.

So instead of traveling the world, I opted to put down roots
in Bournemouth. Did I mention the amazing
But, that doesn't mean I've given up on the idea of travelling.
It just means I’m going to have to be a little more creative in how I
accomplish it.
And sticking around in Bournemouth has led to some
interesting plot twists. But you’ll have to wait until next week to hear more
about those…
I think i know some of the upcoming plot twists but won't leave any spoilers!
ReplyDeleteLOL yep, you do ;)